Paying your rent as a tenant could not be easier. Follow the instructions below to complete this process while referring to the images for clarification when needed.
From the dashboard, go to the top right, you should see the amount to pay. Click the button “Pay Now.”
A pop-up window will appear to confirm if you want to make a payment. Click on the Pay Rent button to confirm the payment.
Another way to navigate to the ‘Pay Rent” option is from the property tab on the dashboard. At the top right, click on the 3-dot icon to call up the menu options.
Select the first option, “Pay rent”.
A pop-up window will show up. Click on Pay Rent to perform the transaction.
Enter all the required card information and billing address, and then click Pay button.
Click on home to take you to your dashboard.
You should also receive an email at the email address associated with your account, indicating a successful processing of your rent payment.
Your transaction history should also contain a record of your rent payment.