You are required to set up your bank account to complete any transaction as an operation manager, service provider, home owner. Setting up your bank account can be completed in a few easy steps.
Follow the demonstration below to set up your bank account information on the HomeTrumpeter system.
Click on the profile image (blue circle with letters representing your initials). From the dropdown list, click on “Setup Bank Account”. This action will direct you to the banking information setup page.
Fill in your email and correct phone number. This is important for you to receive a one-time passcode at the next step.
Enter the correct passcode sent to you via text. You will be automatically directed to the next page if the entered code is correct.
Next, you will be asked to provide some information about your business, starting with the type.
You will be asked to select one of three options as the type of your business. A brief description is provided when you hover over the option.
If you select ‘Company’ as your type of business, you will be provided another option to select the structure of your business.
Feel free to refer to the support article on the page for further details to select the appropriate option the accurately describes your business structure.
The next page will ask for more information about your business. Provide all mandatory fields to continue.
The next step will ask you for some personal details, including your social security number (or a government-issued ID number instead) for identity verification.
You will now be directed to provide your banking information. First, you will select what type of banking you would prefer: “Bank account” or “Debit card.” Bank account is the default selection. If this is your choice, you will be asked to search for the name of your financial institution and provide the necessary banking details.
If you select Debit Card, you will asked to provide your card details to proceed.
Finally, a summary page will be displayed to verify the correctness of all the information you have supplied. If every information is accurate, you can then read the privacy agreement, agree to it, and submit your information.
You will then be directed to a confirmation page have a home button to redirect you to the HomeTrumpeter system. Voila!